Regulatory Breaches

Regulatory Breaches

We act for clients in all types of proceedings, often involving complex evidential matters arising from prosecutions or disciplinary actions taken by a wide range of regulatory authorities and other professional bodies.

Clients requiring help with regulatory breach matters include individuals, partnerships and companies, both locally and nationally.

Breaches of these regulations may be criminal offenses; more prosecutions are being taken out by the authorities and fines are increasing dramatically. If it is alleged that you have committed a regulatory offense, you should talk to us as soon as you can. We can help you manage the immediate situation and minimize your potential liabilities.

Our experience can help protect both you and your business against the maze of regulatory red tape. By using our audit and risk management services, we can tell you what is required and work with you to put into place the regulatory framework appropriate for your business in the first instance.

Our services for advising on regulatory issues include the following authorities and professional bodies:

  • Health and Safety Executive
  • Trading Standards Institute
  • Patient Care Trusts
  • Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal
  • other professional and regulatory bodies

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