Criminal Law: Interview Under Caution

Criminal Law

Interview Under Caution

If you are going to be interviewed at a police station or anywhere else, it is important to seek legal advice at a very early stage, as you may be suspected of a crime. The only person who knows if you need legal advice is a Solicitor!

Abbey Solicitors can provide you with advice and assistance at police station interviews. Our team of highly qualified experts represents a range of clients across the country providing professional advice and guidance. We aim to ensure that your interests are met and that you are prepared and guided through the interview and beyond.

We understand the worries you may have before any Interviews and our team of experts will assist you throughout.

Areas where we can help

  • Police Station Representation
  • Interview Under Caution
  • Voluntary Interview
  • Trading Standards Interview
  • Taxi Licence: Interview

Trading Standards

Taking legal advice early is important to protect your business. Our expertise will give you the advice and representation you need to defend any such investigation or prosecution by any authority.

Taxi Licence Appeals

We understand how important your license is to your livelihood. It is becoming more common for taxi drivers to be invited for interviews when their licenses may be revoked. The Local Licensing Authorities will use their current powers and the law to justify either suspending or revokeing your licence. Our experts can advise you at a very early stage about your position.

Legal advice at an early stage is vital to presenting your case. We can fight on your behalf, build your case and represent you at the licence committee or the Court if matters go before the Courts.

We can help you in the following matters:

  • All taxi licensing appeals
  • Driving offences
  • Operator’s Licence

Pre-Charge Representation

We offer a pre-charged service and consider whether decisions are in your best interest including preparing detailed letters of representation to the relevant authorities before any decision is made.

This is an important part of any investigation and receiving legal advice as early as possible will help you make better judgments and can lead to the investigation going further.

Private & Legal Aid Work

We undertake both private and legal aid work. After the initial consultation, if you decide to use our services, we can determine whether you are eligible for legal aid or if you must pay on a private fee basis. We can agree to a tailored service that you are happy with.

If you are eligible for Legal Aid you will not be required to pay for your defense. The court will consider both your income and the seriousness of the offense to determine whether Legal Aid should be granted.

To acquire Legal Aid you must first make an application to the Magistrates Court. This can be broken down into the following two tests:

  • Interests of Justice Test: This is the first test that must be passed. Legal Aid is more likely to be granted if imprisonment is a potential outcome. Other factors that will increase the likelihood of Legal Aid being granted will include the seriousness of the charges, whether you admit them or not, the complexity of the defense, how easy it would be to challenge the opposition yourself and whether witnesses are needed.
  • Means test: The second test will be based on your financial situation. If you are claiming either Job Seekers Allowance (JSA), income support or a guaranteed pension then you will automatically pass this test for Legal Aid.

If you require help applying for Legal Aid or are unsure if you qualify, get in touch with a member of our Criminal Defense team who will be able to work with you to support your claim.

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