Operation Petral 

26th Mar 2016

Abbey Solicitors were instructed in respect of Operation Petral which was a case extending for a year between 2015 and 2016. The nature of which was a substantial (c. £5.6m) multi-commodity drugs supply conspiracy trial involving Organized Crime Groups. Our barrister was instructed as Leading Junior for the client, first on the indictment and said to be the principal of the OCG. The crimes accused included the possession of many kilos of Class A drugs, as well as allegations of perverting the course of justice leveled at a well-known solicitor in the Manchester area. The case included the examination of over 100,000 pages of telecom evidence. The proceedings were drawn to a conclusion at Manchester Crown Court.

Abbey Solicitors has extensive experience in the area of criminal law and our experience extends to a range of areas, including serious drug crime. If you require legal assistance in this complex area, contact a member of our team to find out more about the services we can offer.